Best life hacks
Noeth, Schenkel, and Wertz display some of the best life hacks.
Ever wanted to make life easier? You might have seen videos or images of things called “life hacks.” Well, if you aren’t exactly sure what they are, Andrew, Adam, and I are here to show you how it’s done. We recently went through a list of 100+ life hacks and picked out some of the best for you guys. Without further ado, we present to you: “LIFE HACKS.”
About the Contributors

Alex Wertz '16, Online Editor
First-year writer for The Quill. Learned scholar of Ploehsian philosophy. "Go every time so others may everytime."

Andrew Schenkel '17, Co-Editor in Chief
My second year on The Quill Staff. I'm a member of the Cross Country team and run Track. Also, a big fan of everything involving Cincinnati sports whether...