Presidents collide in top ten rankings

In this election year, Elder’s experts looks at the top examples of our country’s highest office.

Presidents collide in top ten rankings

With the 2016 Presidential Election right around the corner, it seems appropriate to take a look back on some of the best Presidents in US history.

Some highly respectable Elder men that take politics to the next level were interviewed.

These honorary men include the following: Michael J. Dirksing, David J. Dabbelt, Michael J. Groh, and Zachary T. Dehner.

Zachary T. Dehner is first to the stand, and he confidently lists his top ten presidents of all time.

  1. Thomas Jefferson– a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase.
  2. Ronald Reagan– lowered federal income tax, increased spending on national defense.
  3. Teddy Roosevelt– won Novel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese War, anti-monopoly policies, ecological conservationism.
  4. Quincy Adams– signed “Tariff of Abominations”, one of greatest diplomats before presidency.
  5. George Washington– first President of United States. General who won independence for US.

    Image result for george washington
    George Washington was the first President of the United States.
  6. Abraham Lincoln– signed Emancipation Proclamation, kept Union intact in Civil War.
  7. Calvin Coolidge- President during “Roaring Twenties”, laissez-faire ideology, protector of civil rights.
  8. Harry S. Truman– ended World War II with dropping atomic bombs, communist containment policy.
  9. John F. Kennedy– civil rights activist, released tensions in Cuban Missile Crisis.
  10. Martin Van Buren– blocked annexation of Texas, kept peace with Mexico and England over borders.

Next up is David J. Dabbelt.  He gave me a variety of lists, but his final list stands follows.

According to Dave’s logic, having the name “William” must correlate to being a good president.

  1. William Henry Harrison– oldest man to take office, lasted for a month in office.
  2. William Howard Taft- strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission, passed the Sixteenth Amendment.
  3. William McKinley– backing of American currency, led the nation in victory of Spanish-American War.
  4. Franklin D. Roosevelt– led the US out of the Depression, led the US to victory of WWII, brought Social Security.
  5. George Washington– first President of United States. General who won independence for US.
  6. Calvin Coolidge – President during “Roaring Twenties”, laissez-faire ideology, protector of civil rights.
  7. John Adams– delegate of Continental Congress first vice president, diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate Treaty of Paris.

    Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States.
  8. Woodrow Wilson– pledged reforms on business, tariffs, and banking. Granted women right to vote.
  9. Millard Fillmore– opened trade to Japan, supporter of the Fugitive Slave Act.
  10. Abraham Lincoln– signed Emancipation Proclamation, kept Union intact in Civil War.

Thirdly we have Michael J. Groh.  Groh seemed to pick the well-known Presidents, and felt confident by picking “safe” picks.  Groh’s list:

  1. George Washington– first President of United States. General who won independence for US.
  2. Ronald Reagan– lowered federal income tax, increased spending on national defense.
  3. Abraham Lincoln– signed Emancipation Proclamation, kept Union intact in Civil War.
  4. Franklin D. Roosevelt– led the US out of the Depression, led the US to victory of WWII, brought Social Security.
  5. Woodrow Wilson– pledged reforms on business, tariffs, and banking. Granted women right to vote.
  6. Theodore Roosevelt– won Novel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese War, anti-monopoly policies, ecological conservationism.
  7. Andrew Jackson– “Old Hickory”, pro-Jacksonites became Democrats.

    Michael Groh has the odds stacked against him in his run for President
  8. George W. Bush– conspiracy that he caused 9/11, responded to the War on Terrorism.
  9. Thomas Jefferson– a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase.
  10. Michael Groh– never was a president nor do I suspect he will be.

Lastly, and certainly not least, I had the pleasure to interview the master of politics, Michael J. Dirksing.  Here is the man’s list:

  1. Abraham Lincoln– signed Emancipation Proclamation, kept Union intact in Civil War.
  2. Thomas Jefferson– – a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase.
  3. John F. Kennedy– civil rights activist, released tensions in Cuban Missile Crisis.
  4. George Washington– first President of United States. General who won independence for US.
  5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt– led the US out of the Depression, led the US to victory of WWII, brought Social Security.
  6. Theodore Roosevelt– won Novel Peace Prize for ending Russo-Japanese War, anti-monopoly policies, ecological conservationism.
  7. Dwight D. Eisenhower– brought Korean War to an end, enacted Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956.
  8. Woodrow Wilson– pledged reforms on business, tariffs, and banking. Granted women right to vote.
  9. Herbert Hoover– President during Stock Market Crash, and Great Depression.
  10. Bill Clinton– passed welfare reform, cut taxes for fifteen million low-income families, championed comprehensive health reform.

The big question is whether or not either Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton can win the Presidency and crack into the top ten Presidents list.