Ultimate post game meal entices all
What is the best thing to eat after the game according to Elder athletes?
Glenway Skyline the preferred skyline for elder players
We are in a very trying time for many, with an ongoing pandemic that has at times shut down countries. But there is one obvious question on everyone mind, what is the ultimate post game meal?
If you are or have been an athlete you know that a post game meal is essential, so the question is what is the best post game meal? I talked to three Elder athletes and get their take on this.
Jack Tucker is an Elder football player and wrestler. Jack is a big man so I was expecting a meal that consisted of a very large amount of food, I was not disappointed by the answer I got.
“The ultimate meal for post game is five cheese coneys with mustard and no onion, with a regular 3-way and a root beer from skyline.” A large meal for a large man. Next up I talked to another large man in senior football player, and diver Nathan Evans.

Nathan’s answer was a little different from Jacks in the sense that he added liftin weights to his answer. This is a part of Nathans’ post game ritual. For his meal, however, Nathan had this to say, “ I have an order of chili fries, and I ask the waitress to keep the Mountain Dews coming until I leave.”
I asked Nathan if he had a specific number of Dews that usually gets through before leaving and he said it’s usually around six, sometimes more. These chili fries and Mountain Dews were also from Skyline. Skyline appeared to be the favorite, but I still had one more athlete to go before Skyline was crowned the winner.
For my third athlete, I talked to senior football player, diver, and volleyball player, Jake Vollmer. When I asked Jake what his go to meal was after a game, match, or meet his answer firmly placed Skyline as the favorite among these three athletes. “Skyline is definitely the go to, I usually keep it simple with a 5-way and two cheese coneys, If I am feeling it. I’ll get an order of habanero cheese on the side.”
I have to agree with Tucker, Vollmer, and Evans. Skyline is always the place to go after a football game on a Friday night, nothing sounds better than chili cheese fries, and two chilitos.
So there you have it. After talking to three Elder athletes from three different sports, we got the definitive answer of skyline being the ultimate post game meal.