‘Concussion’ sparks conflict with the NFL

By now I think most NFL fans are well aware that head injuries are a serious cause for concern in the sport. For those who aren’t, the new film Concussion will certainly bring these concerns into the public light. Actor Will Smith plays the main role in this film as Dr. Bennet Omalu, the man who discovers the link between American football and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
“I probably won’t be getting my free Super Bowl tickets this year,” said Smith.
As a noted Philadelphia Eagles fan and parent of a former high school football star, Smith once traveled between China and Los Angeles for 10 straight weeks to watch son Trey compete. The actor admitted feeling conflicted about the film, but after meeting Omalu he was convinced that the story needed to be told.
During the months leading up to the release of the film, leaked Sony emails appeared to express concern among its filmmakers not to upset the NFL. “We welcome any conversation about player health and safety,” said the NFL in a statement sent to CNN.
The NFL has made numerous changes to enhance the health and safety of players at all levels of football. These include nearly 40 rule changes in the last decade, strict concussion protocols, and better training and sideline medical care.
Even through all of these changes the NFL is making, the issues of player safety won’t even come close to going away any time soon. A recent study revealed that 87 of the 91 former NFL players that tested positive for CTE. (For more on that click the link below)
The reason this movie is making headlines is because it is true. It deals with an extremely pressing issue hidden in the fabric of American culture. The movie has players questioning why the NFL management would try to deny Omalu’s findings and fight intensely to discredit them.
Senior Michael Townsley gave his input on the movie after seeing it over the break.
“I was truly shocked. You hear it on the news every now and then but to see it from that perspective really gave me a lot to think about.”
After seeing this movie I would definitely recommend it, especially if you are a football fan or even are just interested in the subject. I think this movie was very interesting, and was needed for the public to see. It is kind of crazy to see how hidden some things are, and how much it can affect people.

My interests include bagging groceries and taking long walks on the beach.